Enrolment & Fees

The 2024/2025 School Year is underway and the classes are full, but please fill out the waitlist form, as we accept enrolment throughout the school year, based on availability.

Join the Waitlist

To register your child for the 2024/2025 preschool year, please fill out the online form. Once you join the waitlist, we will send an email to invite you to enrol if a spot becomes available.

2024/2025 Fee Schedule

1 Class/week - $113 per month

2 Classes/week - $226 per month

3 Classes/week - $329 per month

4 Classes/week - $432 per month

5 Classes/week - $530 per month

Please note: Bayview Preschool has been approved for funding under the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) and the fees above are pre-reduction. The amount of reduction depends on how many classes you are enrolled in.

First classroom to left when you walk in front doors

Bayview Elementary School
3505 W 7th Ave
Vancouver BC V6R 3L1


We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.


Priority will be given to children enrolled in 2 Days/Week and more

Class Hours

AM Preschool is 3 hours long, offered Monday - Friday, from 8:45 am - 11:45 am

PM STEAM Class is 2.5 Hours long, offered Monday - Thursday, from 12:15 pm - 2:45 pm

Questions? You can reach us at:

info@bayviewpreschool.ca – to connect with teachers and admin

bcp.board@bayviewpreschool.ca – connect with Board members, and to conduct Board-related business

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