Afternoon STEAM Program
Monday to Thursday from 12:15pm - 2:45pm
STEAM stands for:
S - Science (includes Biology, chemistry and physics)
T - Technology (Includes computer science and early coding)
E - Engineering (Includes engineering through woodworking)
A - Arts (Includes dance, drama, music, pottery)
M - Math (Includes economics and geometry)
STEAM-based learning gives children tools and methods to explore new and creative ways of problem-solving, displaying data, innovating, and linking multiple fields. It teaches them how to think outside the box!
This dynamic and creative program includes cooking, science experiments, coding, engineering, pottery, wood work, visual arts and many more exciting, engaging experiences. Best suited for preschoolers who are 4yrs old.
We have a Rigamajig set!
Thanks to fundraising efforts and years of saving by our Bayview Preschool Board, we have purchased a Rigamajig for our 2023/24 Steam Program for use in our new preschool classroom at Bayview Elementary School.
Created by Cas Holman, the Rigamajig is designed to spark imagination, creativity, innovation, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. The Netflix series “Abstract: The Art of Design” even did a whole episode on it’s creation!