April 2022 Newsletter

Registration for Bayview Summer Nature Camps Begins Today!!!

Register now to secure your child’s spot in our summer program.

Priority Registration starts today for children currently enrolled at Bayview Preschool! Spots will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Families can expect to be emailed with a confirmation of their spot in the Summer Program for the dates they requested by April 5th. If the week you booked is unavailable we will be in contact about alternative dates.

A look at Summer Nature Camp

There is no limit to the experiences and curiosities that our Summer Nature Camps at Jericho Beach can arouse! We will explore the beach and forest areas, discovering plants, trees and wildlife, and everyday will provide a different experience, which the Camp Coordinator will be able to share with families via the secure and private Seesaw Classroom App.

Bayview Summer Nature Camp for 3-6 year old children provide multiple learning opportunities for participants, such as:

  • Creating sustainable and practical practices that can be used in everyday life;

  • Learning how to work in groups, and overcoming challenges together, strengthening social development, decision-making and problem solving skills;

  • Increasing connection with nature and developing environmental awareness;

  • Stimulating all senses through what they hear, touch, see and feel;

  • Building self-awareness, independence, confidence, and creativity; and

  • Creating art, crafts and structures with natural materials.


    Week 1: July 11th - 15th
    Week 2: July 18th - 22nd
    Week 3: July 25th - 29th
    Week 4: August 8th - 12th
    Week 5: August 15th - 19th
    Week 6: August 22nd - 26th



    Half Day:
    9:00am - 12:00pm OR
    12:30pm - 3:30pm

    Full Day:
    9:00am - 3.30pm

    Half Day:
    $205 per week

    Full Day:

    $380 per week

    Please note:
    Priority will be given to families who register for the full day program.
    There is a $10 discount for already enrolled Bayview families.

    Please feel free to ask our teachers any questions you may have about the Summer Nature Daycamps

Mark The Dates

No School Professional Development Day Wednesday April 20th
No School this day, while teachers take this opportunity to train:)

Happy Easter! Easter Weekend includes Good Friday April 15th (No school) as well as Easter Monday April 18th (No school)

Parent Teacher Conference: Tuesday April 12th and Thursday April 14th
Sign up today for a date and time to speak with your teacher - information below

Mothers Day Picnic
Monday May 9th at Chaldecott Park for Mon-Wed QEA Families
Thursday May 12th at
Chaldecott Park for Thurs/Fri QEA Families
11:00 am - 12:00 picnic at Chaldecott Park
Moms please bring own picnic snack / lunch to enjoy and byo blanket:)

Aquarium Field Trip!!
Tuesday, May 17th
You can complete the Field Trip Consent Form and Pay the $11 Online - Click here!
Alternatively, your teachers will have some paper copies available.

Please complete and return with $11 by Friday April 22.

We are asking for 3 parent helpers to join us for our field trip. Assigned on a first come first serve basis, please text Ms. Amy at 604.355.7257 to register your interest. Ms. Amy will get back to the first 3 parents with confirmation.

Please arrange to drop your child to the Aquarium for 10.05am on the morning of our field trip. We will gather close to the whale fountain near the entrance to the Aquarium. We have a specific time to enter - 10.15. If you are running late please text your child’s teacher so a member of staff can wait outside for your child to arrive before joining the rest of the group.

Please arrange to pick up your child at 12.15pm, by the Whale fountain

Spring Break Party & BBQ: Saturday May 14th

It's finally SPRING! Now that the restrictions are easing up, the board is throwing a party for our BCP Community to get to know one another and enjoy a couple drinks and some live music while the kids run around.

We will be serving up hotdogs, veggie dogs, and lots of snacks. We will also be holding a raffle to raise money for a Rigamajig Set (As seen on Netflix) for our new STEAM program.\

If you'd like to help out, we're looking for a couple grills, grillers (Dads, this is your time to shine! Beer included) and lawn games to keep the kids busy. We're also looking for contributions for our raffle basket. If you'd got an item(s), service or experience to donate, please let us know.

RSVP and for any questions, donations - please contact meghan@bayviewpreschool.ca. Cheers!

Annual Preschool Camping Trip Weekend: Fri, June 3 - Sun, June 5

Porpoise Bay Campground on The Sunshine Coast. Families are encouraged to book a site 2 months ahead (April 3rd at 7:00am - https://camping.bcparks.ca/
Please Reserve BCFerries now for this weekend Horseshoe Bay to Langdale and return Langdale to Horseshoe Bay

Families interested in booking may join the booking WhatsApp so we can work together to book different sites and share sites as needed (double sites can hosts 12 people and single sites 8) Let teachers know if you would like to be in the WhatsApp

We recommend set up an account with bc parks prior to April 3 and exploring the website site so that you can easily navigate it. Join the virtual queue before 7am on Sunday April 3. At 7am you will be allocated a random place in the queue with an estimated wait time. We recommend using multiple devises (laptop, smart phone, tablet) to increase your chances of getting a camp site.

Please contact Becky (Text 604 619 8758) if you were unable to book a campsite as we are hoping to reserve a few additional sites.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are a great way to share progress, goals, achievements and growth in both the classroom and at home. When families and teachers come together, it creates consistency for children.

Parent-Teacher Virtual Conferences are Tuesday, April 12th and Thursday, April 14th

We invite you to sign up via the link below. You do not need a Zoom account to join, and can dial in from your mobile or computer. We are scheduling these meetings in 10 to 15-minute increments, and have a waiting room for you if we're running late.

We thank you in advance for your understanding as we navigate this digital environment. If, for whatever reason you cannot make it, please let us know, and we will reschedule as possible.

What we are up to

  • There is an in-depth animal project underway

  • Students at the Imagination Station are creating a Roller Coaster

  • Under the Microscope children view in detail leaves, hair, soil and more

  • Snow forts, mud, beaver lodges and dams keeping us curious at Jericho

Loose parts play and creations in the classroom are inspired by what children explore under rocks and logs outdoors, and now some are working on a roller coaster inspired by a trail at Jericho

From our Teachers' Bookshelf

  • A Handful of Quiet: Happiness in Four Pebbles- By the late Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Over and Under the Snow - By Kate Messner

  • Stella, queen of the snow - By Marie-Louise Gay

  • The World Needs More Purple People - By Kristen Bell and Benjamin Hart

(These books can be found at our local Kidsbooks for curbside pickup)

Proposed Closure of Queen Elizabeth Annex

The children and families at Queen Elizabeth Annex are facing an uncertain future as the Vancouver School Board has proposed the schools closure at the end of June 2022.

Support the QEA PAC by signing this petition to put a stop to school closures until a transparent long term plan can show which school sites we need for the 30-year future and beyond.

New Bayview Preschool Website

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website! Thanks to the dedication and creativity of our very own talented graphic designer, Board Chair of the Fundraising Committee and Bayview Preschool parent Meghan Gillespie, we now have a dynamic, content-rich, and comprehensive website.

Bookmark bayviewpreschool.ca for updates, news, and registration this spring.

Visit our new website!

With spring in our hearts and mud on our boots,

Your Bayview Community Teachers
(604) 704-5625
4275 Crown Street
Vancouver, BC | V6S 2K3


May 2022 Newsletter


Covid-19 Update