October 2021 Newsletter

October Newsletter Highlights

  • September Update + Mabel's Label Fundraiser

  • October is for Gratitude: A Thanksgiving Request for Families

  • From our Teachers' Bookshelf: Books we're grateful for!

  • Notable Dates for 2021

  • Pumpkin Patch Field Trip: Thursday, October 28th!

  • COVID-19 B.C. Schools Update: How this Impacts Us

Smooth September Start!

What an exciting September! Children have been hard at play, exploring the change of season, getting to know one another and their teachers, and settling in well at both the preschool and outdoor nature program. Thank you to all families as you have had a big role in making this such a smooth and successful month. The children have come dressed for the weather, supplied well with snacks, and primed to play, learn, and grow - and we greatly appreciate this.

LABELS! Please start to label all your child's belongings to prevent lost items. We know this isn't an easy task, but now there are options for minimal effort & maximum kid approval! Begin a life-long love of labelling with Mabel's Labels - choose our preschool fundraiser and we will earn 20% of every sale! (Fundraiser starts Oct 8th!) We are also fond of Name Stamps and Oliver's Labels for eye-catching, dishwasher safe packages.

October is for Gratitude!

(Please Note: Preschool is closed on holiday Monday, Oct. 11th)

Coming up to Thanksgiving, we will bet creating a Gratitude Tree with the children at our QEA Preschool, to help them develop the quality and practice of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation, and to return gestures of kindness.

Cultivating a practice of Gratitude has scientifically proven benefits, and grateful children tend to be happier, more optimistic, and have better social support. They also report more satisfaction with their schools, families, communities, friends, and themselves. Grateful kids also tend to give more social support to others as well. Gratitude is free and easy to do, and we hope your children enjoy practicing Gratitude with us and you!

We are Tree-Mendously Grateful for YOU! We invite everyone- students, teachers, parents, caregivers, and families alike, to share with us what they are grateful throughout the month of October. Whether this be a card, a drawing, a scribbled sticky note, your gratitudes will be displayed in the classroom around our Gratitude Tree.

From our Teachers' Bookshelf
Thankful Book Recommendations

(These books can be found at our local Kidsbooks for curbside pickup)

Notable Dates for 2021

  • Monday, Oct. 11th - Thanksgiving Day (Preschool Closed)

  • Monday, Oct. 24th - Friday, Oct. 29th - Halloween Dress up Week

  • Thursday, Oct. 28th - Pumpkin Patch Field Trip (See below for more details!)


  • Thursday, Nov. 11th - Remembrance Day (Preschool Closed)

  • Wednesday, Nov. 17th & Friday, Oct. 19th - Parent-Teacher Interviews (Stay tuned for more info!)


  • Friday, Dec. 17th - Last Day of Class before Winter Break begins

  • Tuesday, Jan. 4th, 2022 - Classes resume after Winter Break

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Mark your Calendars for Thursday, Oct. 28th!

Our beloved annual tradition of visiting the "Pumpkin Patch Field Trip" has arrived! This year we'll be heading to the famed Richmond Country Farms.

(NOTE: NO preschool classes will be running on this day, Thursday, Oct. 28th).

The Pumpkin Patch field trip includes: a tractor-draw wagon ride to/from the Pumpkin Patch, with an entertainer who will make sure your children's ride is enjoyable at all times! Once at the Pumpkin Patch, the children will enjoy wide open spaces and get to pick a Pumpkin of their choice.

We are able to subsidize nearly all the cost of this field trip, and we kindly suggest a $5* per child fee to be paid by Oct 20th along, with a signed consent form. This fee will cover the cost of entry, including a pumpkin to take home!

To comply with COVID-19 Guidelines, please drop your child at the entrance of Richmond farms at 12900 Steveston Hwy, Richmond (Google Maps). Teachers will be leading the children on this exciting trip. To reduce numbers we have two time slots. We do ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your time of entry to the farm. Parents are invited to Visit the Market at the Farms and peruse the local goods while waiting.

We ask all families to please fill out the attached consent form. We will have copies of the form at QEA if you prefer.

The Farm can get fun and muddy, please ensure your child is dressed in warm clothes, including boots, for mud squelching and rain gear :)

If you are running late, or having trouble finding us at the Entrance, please call or text Nicole Clements on our Preschool phone: (236) 996-9098.

* This payment is voluntary and no families will be left out for not making this payment.

COVID-19 Update

On Friday, October 1st, Dr. Bonnie Henry, PHO and Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education, made a joint announcement to expand the B.C. Schools health and safety measures. Starting Monday, Oct. 4th, all students (K-12) are required to wear a mask while inside a school building, including while at their desks and on buses.

After careful consideration of this new guideline, we confirm that it does not change our ongoing practices at our Preschool, located at the Queen Elizabeth Annex Elementary, as the children are not yet of Kindergarten age.

However, if you would like your child to wear a mask, and they are developmentally ready to do so, please speak to your child's Teacher and we can encourage your child to keep them on throughout the day at Preschool. If your child bites/chews the mask, or is constantly touching their mask, taking it on and off, we would advise that they may not be ready.

Our Teachers wear masks while indoors and will continue to do so. Outdoor Nature School Teachers are not required to wear masks during activities at Jericho Park, and we continue to ask families to socially distance during this time and to wear masks when in close proximity, particularly at drop-off and pick-up times.

If you would like more information on our extensive COVID-19 Policies and Procedures (currently being reviewed and updated) you will find it on our website here.


November 2021 Newsletter