November 2021 Newsletter

November Newsletter Highlights

What a Month October Was!

In October, the days are flush with falling leaves, chilling weather and plenty of rain. This month we celebrated fall and enjoyed all the amazing learning opportunities that came with it. The Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch and Halloween were both highlights!
On Wednesday 3rd November, Akira and her family kindly shared some personal items, and Akira spoke about what the Diwali celebrations means to her and her loved ones.
Please note: We are a NUT-FREE Zone 

A friendly reminder that snacks, or treats, brought to school must be free of peanuts & tree nuts. Thank you for helping to keep all the children safe at school.

From our Teachers' Bookshelf
Amazing Book Recommendations

(These books can be found at our local Kidsbooks for curbside pickup)

Notable Dates for 2021

  • Wednesday, Nov. 10th - Pre-orders open for Beeswax Wrap Fundraiser

  • Thursday, Nov. 11th - Remembrance Day (Preschool Closed)

  • Wednesday, Nov. 17th & Friday, Nov. 19th - Parent-Teacher Conference (Sign up Below!)

  • Friday 26th November - Families will begin to receive their Beeswax wraps


  • Friday, Dec. 17th - Last Day of Class before Winter Break begins

  • Tuesday, Jan. 4th, 2022 - Classes resume after Winter Break

Thank you Ms. Liz!

Ms. Liz has completed her traineeship with Bayview Preschool and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors. We are currently recruiting and Ms. Kylie will be subbing to provide continuity of care for children during this transition.
Thank you for all that you have done Ms. Liz.


Handmade Beeswax Food wraps!!!

This year the talented Ms. Charlotte is teaching Bayview Community Preschool staff and children how to make beeswax wraps. These are the perfect stocking stuffers. Thanks to all the families who donated the cotton for this project.

Pre Order Your Beeswax Now!

Parent-Teacher Conference

Parent-Teacher Conferences are a great way to share progress, goals, achievements and growth in both the classroom and at home. When families and teachers come together, it creates consistency for children.

Parent-Teacher Virtual Conferences are Wednesday, November 17th and Friday, November 19th

We invite you to sign up via the link below. You do not need a Zoom account to join, and can dial in from your mobile or computer. We are scheduling these meetings in 10 to 15-minute increments, and have a waiting room for you if we're running late.

We thank you in advance for your understanding as we navigate this digital environment. If, for whatever reason you cannot make it, please let us know, and we will reschedule as possible.

Sign Up for Ms. Becky

Sign Up for Ms. Nicole

Sign Up for Ms. Amy

We look forward to a busy November making Beeswax wraps with the children, creating cloth ropes for packaging and welcoming the first frost of late autumn.


Your Bayview Community Teachers


December 2021 Newsletter


October 2021 Newsletter