21. Gradual Entry

We understand that dropping your child off at preschool can be hard when they are not used to it. Our educators are well trained and have extensive knowledge in how to care for a child who is experiencing varying degrees of separation anxiety.

While Bayview Community Preschool is not a parent-participation program, during the first week of school, we do implement a gradual entry process. During this time, parents are welcome to stay in the room for up to 15 minutes in order to support their child’s transition into preschool. After the first week of school, parents are expected to keep their goodbyes brief. However, they are welcome to assist them with carrying their belongings to their designated cubby and help them change their shoes.

We do offer a grace period in the first 3 weeks of school. If it is in the best interests of the child, a parent can sit in the room for 5 minutes. When a parent is in the room, we encourage them to be mindful of how much they are interacting with their child. Interactions should be kept to a minimum in order for the child to integrate successfully.

Tears are common, normal, and age-appropriate. Our educators will take care of your child and telephone you if thy have any concerns about your child’s well-being. We ask parents to please respect that all the children in the program are learning to separate from their primary caregivers. We understand it can feel difficult when you are seeing another child’s primary caregiver in the classroom and you have to leave; please bear in mind this child may have an alternate gradual entry plan in place. Transitioning to preschool is a team effort between the primary caregivers, the educators, and the child.

Tips for Success: 

  • Talk with your child at home about how preschool is a safe and happy space. 

  • Talk about how your child’s teachers are always there to help and support them. 

  • Set the expectation that you will be leaving, but you will be close by, and you will return at pick-up time. 

  • Let your child know their teacher is able to contact you easily and will do so if needed. 

  • Talk positively yet lightly about preschool in the weeks leading up to your child’s first day. Try not to overdo it. Be excited but not overly animated. 

  • We appreciate this is also a big change and a transition for you as primary caregivers. We are here to support you too. It is incredibly important to be mindful about not projecting your anxiety onto your child. 

Beyond Gradual Entry 

Bayview Community Preschool prides itself on meeting each child where they are at and respectfully addressing a child’s separation anxiety. Your child’s well-being is of paramount importance. They will be treated empathetically and compassionately through their transition into preschool.  

Occasionally, children require more time than others to integrate. Should this be the case for your child, their teacher will connect with you directly to discuss an alternate plan for gradual entry. This plan will be documented and sent to you via email by the Program Director.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding gradual entry or transition to preschool, you can connect with your child’s teacher or the Program Director by email, phone or in-person.


19. Attendance


22. Inclement Weather Policy