13. Supervision Policy

Hand Hygiene Policy 

Diligent hand washing with soap and water is the single most effective way to reduce the spread of illness. Children and educators will wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds on arrival at Preschool, before and after eating, before and after using the washroom, when transitioning between indoors and outdoors, and when leaving the preschool.  

After Nature classes, we recommend parents or caregivers wash or sanitize their child's hands upon picking them up from class. If you would like your child to clean their hands during the course of the Program, please pack a package of wipes, or sand sanitizer. 

Washroom Policy  

Children are encouraged to be potty-trained before they come to preschool. However, teachers understand that some children may need extra reminders for going to the washroom, that accidents happen, and families may choose to put their child in pull-ups at the beginning of the year. All children who need to go to the washroom will be accompanied by a teacher. The teacher will ask other children who may need to go to the toilet at this time to come too. Scheduled trips to the washroom with a educators member are also part of the preschool routine. 

Teachers will respectfully assist children to change after an accident, maintaining the child’s dignity at all times. Parents are required to keep a full change of clothes in their child’s cubby. 

Outdoor Nature Program: Nature Calls 

There are toilets at Jericho Beach concession that your child can use when nearby. However, sometimes it is not possible to go to the toilets and we will encourage children to do a nature pee or poo if necessary. Teachers are able to assist your child and will always obtain your child’s consent prior to assisting. Children should bring an extra set of underwear, lightweight pants and a package of wet wipes in a ziplock bag in case of an accident. As the weather gets colder, your child will be in more layers, making it challenging for them to navigate zippers and buttons when they need to pee, so please help your child to practice independence with dressing and undressing to make it easier for them. 

Outdoor Supervision 

The outside areas in the Elementary School are fenced in. Staff will ensure that children only play in areas which meet with Community Care Facility Licensing (CCFL)’s requirements.

While outside, children will be actively supervised to protect them from injury or other harm. Staff will supervise the children by watching, listening, interacting and monitoring. 

Staff will ensure the following: 

  • They are aware of each child’s abilities.

  • Clear and simple rules are established and conveyed to the children in an age-appropriate manner. 

  • They scan around play areas to make themselves aware of any potential safety hazards. 

  • They are standing in a strategic position to ensure they can see and hear all children at all times. 

  • They are constantly scanning play activities and circulating around the area. 

  • They use positive language and role modeling to teach what is safe to the children. 

  • They teach children appropriate and safe use of the outdoor space.

  • Staff-to-child ratios remain the same whether indoors or outdoors.

At all times, educators will: 

  • Count children by matching name to face. 

  • Count on a scheduled basis, at every transition, and when leaving one area and arriving at another. 

  • Be sure they can state the number of children in their care at all times. 

  • Record the count on an attendance sheet. 

  • Note any children who leave the group or are picked up early. 

  • Staff will be able to contact another adult at all times and will have cell phones on their person for emergency use. 

  • Staff will identify “hot spots” where children usually need assistance or where adults have a hard time seeing children. Staff should stand strategically so they can supervise all areas. This means adults will not stand or sit together on the playground.  If one educator is engaged in intense play with children the other educator will ensure they are aware of where the other children are. 


12. Positive Behaviour Guidance Policy  


14. Food & Drink Policies