14. Food & Drink Policies

Food & Drink Supervision

Bayview Community Preschool encourages nutritious food choices for all children. We are a nut-free facility. Children are informed we do NOT share snacks brought from home with the exception of a preplanned group shared snack opportunity.* Children are encouraged to stay seated and safely chew their food. They are supervised by an adult. During snack time children are taught to retrieve their own snacks and learn to open their containers with support. It's a very social, fun and relaxing time where teachers sit with children, tell stories, talk about what they all have, and the different nutrients and benefits of all the various foods being enjoyed.  

Children are encouraged to drink water during the day. They bring a prefilled water bottle from home to each class. There is also a filtered water station in the Elementary school used to fill up bottles as needed.  

Please be advised that we do not have a fridge or means of warming up food. A thermos is recommended for children requiring a warm snack. We also recommend avoiding foods with sugar, caffeine and anything that contains artificial sweeteners and colour. 

*Throughout the school year we will have opportunities to have shared group snack days such as: smoothies, rainbow fruit bowls, etc... Parents may be asked to bring a particular food item for our special snack day. 

Snack Policy  

  • Bayview Community Preschool encourages nutritious food choices for all the children.

  • Please provide peanut and nut free snacks. 

  • Please provide a water bottle for your child, labeled with your child’s name. Water bottles are to go home at the end of class to be cleaned and filled back up for the next class. We will encourage children to put their water bottles and containers back into their bags at the end of the day. 

  • We do not have a fridge or a means of warming up food. 

  • During snack time children are taught to get their own snacks and open their containers. It's a very social, fun and relaxing time where teachers sit with children and chat, tell stories, talk about what they all have for snack, etc. 

  • We ask that you avoid foods with sugar, caffeine and anything that contains artificial sweeteners and colour. 


13. Supervision Policy


15. Health and Hygiene