15. Health and Hygiene

Well Child Policy 

It is the policy of Vancouver Coastal Health and Bayview that at the discretion of the educator in charge children brought to class with symptoms of illness should not be permitted to remain. 

Below are some things you may wish to consider as you try to determine if your child is too ill to attend preschool. Your child may be unaware of their limitations, so we ask parents to refrain from asking them if he/she feels well enough to attend school. Keep them home to speed their recovery. 

Please keep your child home if he/she: 

  • Has a suspected, or known, communicable disease (Chicken Pox, Conjunctivitis aka Pink Eye, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, etc.).

  • Has a fever. 

  • Is too sick to participate in all normal activities including outdoor play.

  • Has symptoms such as: persistent cough, constant runny nose, etc. 

  • Has vomited or had diarrhea during the previous 24 hours.

  • Exhibits symptoms consistent with Covid-19 such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, body aches, headache, new loss of taste, loss of smell or a sore throat.

We make these requests for the following reasons: 

  • 1. The protection of others. Germs spread more quickly through younger children. We want to maintain a healthy environment for everyone. 

  • A child’s recovery could be delayed if they go to school while still ill. He/she is more likely to acquire other illnesses their because their immune system is already in a weakened state.

  • A sick child may have an inability to focus and function in large group situations. 

  • A sick child requires one teacher’s full attention. Teachers cannot look after a child on a one-on-one basis.

A good rule of thumb is: If in doubt, don’t send your child. Your support in keeping everyone healthy is appreciated! 


Administration of Medication 

  • Non-prescription medication will not be administered at the preschool. 

  • If prescribed medication will be required during preschool hours, parents should ensure the following: 

    • A permission form must be signed by the parents and physician, if appropriate. This form should detail instructions for administration of the medication. 

    • Medication should be in its original container with the original label containing the child’s name. 

MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Other medical conditions that may impact a child during their time at preschool should be discussed with teachers. Additionally, when necessary, a plan for managing medical conditions should be drawn up and signed by parents, teachers and child’s doctor. (For ex: severe allergic reactions requiring oral medication or an EPI-pen). 


14. Food & Drink Policies


16. Active Play and Screen Time Policy