16. Active Play and Screen Time Policy 

Children are engaged in daily active play consisting of a mixture of unfacilitated play and facilitated games and activities both indoors and outside. 

Children play outdoors rain or shine, with appropriate clothing for the weather, for at least 45 minutes.   

Screen time activities are not part of our daily routine. Occasionally, for inquiry-based activities with the children, a teacher will use Google (or another search engine) in place of an encyclopedia to reference something.  

Children are never forced to sit for long periods of time. They are always free to move around the classroom. Children are encouraged to move around the classroom in a manner which is respectful to the work and play of others (i.e. “walking feet”). They are gently encouraged to listen to what their own body needs in terms of movement and they are guided towards achieving this safely. 


15. Health and Hygiene


17. Travel to/from Away Space Policy